A Bosnian 'Brucie-Bonus' & A Ginger Guy Called Tom

I will keep this email pretty short - as you are no doubt innundated with emails, and have other things than fishing to prepare for!
We had a big restock of flies arrive with us this week - two of them especially stand out:
- The Ginger Tom v2.0 Tungsten Jigs; and
- The Bosnian Biot Nymphs - see below
Grab yours today, before we run out again!
Let's start with the Bosnian Biot Nymphs:
We sold out of these when we originally had them back in October (and from recent reports they are working wonder on the Grayling), I mentioned this to 'our man in Bosnia' and he's tied us these as a big of an Xmas brucie-bonus.
These Bosnian Biot nymphs are weighted with a 3.3mm Gold Tungsten Bead, tied with goose biots for the body and have a split-tail.
We have these nymphs in four 'very fishy' hot-spot colour-ways:
- Fluoro Orange
- Fluoro Green
- Fluoro Pink; and
- Ice White
As well offering you the usual full selection of nymphs, we are also making these Bosnian Biot Nymphs available to buy individually (see below for details on how to access them):
The specialist hooks used in these Biot Nymphs is the Hends BL124 Barbless Wide-Gape Jig hook:
- Hook Size: 16
- Hook Length: 9.00mm
- Hook Gape: 5.00mm
- Hook Finish: Black Nickel
- Nymph Weight: 0.25g
Our Bosnian Biot Nymph Selection contains 12 nymphs (4 different colours, 3 of each all tied on Hends BL124 barbless jig hooks in a size 16).
Our full selection is available for only £25 - and we've only 10 available, so you will need to be quick!
Alternatively, you can buy each of these Biot Nymphs individually, by clicking here.
As we've only got 10 of these Bosnian Biot Nymph Selections available you will need to be quick off the mark to secure yours:
Next up on the fly pattern conveyor belt (there's another Generation Game reference for you) is:
The Ginger Tom v2.0
I've never personally found the original Ginger Tom successful for Grayling - especially on the coloured waters we have up here in North Yorkshire. So, one day early last year I set about refining it (very slightly) for our more northern river conditions ...
For me, I always prefer fishing Grayling nymphs on a jig hook - so that was the first change.
The next change was to try and make the fly stand out a little more in coloured water - so I added some ginger flash to the body material, and "Hey Presto", we have the Ginger Tom v2.0 ...
The original Ginger Tom was devised by Steve Skuce (and featured in his excellent book - Grayling Flies - do get a copy if you've even a passing interest in The Lady of the Stream). I don't know Steve (and to my knowledge have never met him) but he certainly knows his subject - in this case Grayling flies.
In coloured water, they were (as Steve says in his book) "sheer magic". Last week I even caught a Grayling on one where I never even thought they existed - I was only testing the fly out to check how fast it sank and a fish took it near my feet - and no, I didn't land it as my line was wrapped around my leg at the time!
We've just received more stock of our Ginger Tom v2.0 patterns from our tyers in all the usual sizes (12 to 18), so our shelves are now groaning under their (tungsten) weight - and they're all looking for a new home.
So here it is - our Ginger Tom v2.0 Selection (and best of all, they're only £15 for the full set of 12):
Our Ginger Tom v2.0 Selection contains three each of sizes 12, 14, 16 & 18 - all tied on barbless jig hooks (in total there are 12 tungsten Ginger Tom's v2.0's in this selection).
As we're pretty anal about our nymphs, we've even weighed them:
- The Ginger Tom v2.0 in a size 12 weighs 0.44g
- This Ginger Tom v2.0 in a size 14 weighs 0.30g
- This Ginger Tom v2.0 in a size 16 weighs 0.25g
- This Ginger Tom v2.0 in a size 18 weighs 0.17g
That's a total of 12 Ginger Tom v2.0 tungsten jigs at a heavily discounted price of only £15.00 (bought individually these would be £19.80), supplied in our eco-friendly packaging and includes FREE delivery.
Tight lines.