The Artisan barbless Spider Selection, a selection of flies with a modern twist on some age-old patterns (some date back over 400 years). These flies are tied with sparse hackles and thin profile bodies, just like the originals.
Made famous fishing in the North Country of England by T E Pritt, these flies are great for early season trout and grayling.
In total, there are 18 flies supplied in our eco-friendly packaging. All of these flies are hand-tied using the highest quality barbless hooks - Hanak H130BL, in size 14 using quality materials.
Descriptions and photos of the flies can be found below:
Partridge & Orange Spider - The most famous spider pattern? The Partridge and Orange Spider originated in the north country of England and was first described in T. E. Pritt's Yorkshire Trout Flies (1895). The Partridge and Orange resembles emerging caddis pupa, diving adult caddis or sunken may fly spinners. This selection contains three of size 14.
Snipe & Purple Spider - Another very well-known spider pattern - The Snipe & Purple Spider originated in the north country of England and was first described in T. E. Pritt's Yorkshire Trout Flies (1895). The Snipe & Purple is a very successful early-season pattern for all types of water. This selection contains three of size 14.
Greenwell's Spider - This is a variation on the Greenwell's Glory dry fly but fished as a spider pattern (down and across). Great to use in clear water with spooky fish as the colour stands out and creates that small trigger point. This selection contains three of size 14.
Little Black Spider - Another great spider pattern for use in the early season coloured water, great teamed up with Greenwell's Spider as a searching pattern. This drab imitation really stands out in those early-season rivers. This selection contains three each of size 14.
Waterhen Bloa Spider - Generally thought to imitate the Large Dark Olive, the Waterhen Bloa is tied with yellow silk and natural mole fur and a long soft moorhen hackle. Again, teamed up with the other spiders in this selection it can be deadly. This selection contains three each of size 14.
Hare's & Partridge Spider - Similar to the Partridge & Orange, this spider pattern has a little bit of sparkle to the body. Again, teamed up with the other spiders in this selection it can be deadly. This selection contains three each of size 14.
Note: Should the "Tree Trout" steal any of your flies, all of the flies are available individually, to allow you to top up your box. Our Artisan Spiders can be bought for £1.75 per fly.
The above price includes 18 hand-tied spiders supplied in our eco-friendly packaging.
We currently have these fly selections in stock and will ship these to you as soon as we receive notification of your payment, generally if a payment is made in the morning your flies will be with you the very next day.