The Barbless Beetle Selection, during these warm summer months, it is essential that you have a selection of terrestrial flies in your armoury. We have created this selection of Barbless Beetles which work equally well on both rivers and stillwaters. Here we have a selection of 16 beetles four different patterns in two different sizes (14 & 18).
In the warmer summer afternoons a beetle pattern is an essential searching pattern, when fish are not rising.
To search a river, try this technique:
1. From the bank, section the river into lanes about 3ft wide.
2. Cast upstream and make 3 or 4 drifts in the nearest lane, repeat for each lane, working away from you.
3. Step upstream and repeat the process.
To search a stillwater, try this technique:
1. From the bank, imagine a fan with 8 points laid out on the water.
2. Cast to each point of the fan 3 or 4 times, and retrieve using the Splash & Twitch technique (see below)
3. Move further along the bank and repeat the process.
Splash & Twitch Technique
With each of the searching methods mentioned above, why not give the "Splash & Twitch" technique a go. As Beetles are a land based insect, they are regularly blown (or drop from trees) onto the water, and they are not that elegant when they do! Don't worry about perfect presentation, it is often better for the fly to splash down on the water, Keep in touch with the drift as the water brings the fly back to you and give the fly a slight twitch every now and then. You will be amazed how often this inducement will bring up a fish!
Don't forget to drift the beetle under any overhanging branches.
Remember, the takes are sometimes quite fierce, so pay attention!
Descriptions and photo's of the flies can be found below:
Coch-y-Bonddu Beetle. The classic beetle pattern, also known as the field chafer. Tied on sizes 14 & 18 barbless hooks. These are an essential terrestrial in your armoury. This selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 18.
Hi-Viz Beetle. A great pattern which is easy to see on those bright sunny days. Tied with a bright pink post on sizes 14 & 18 barbless hooks. These are an essential fly in your armoury. This selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 18.
Rubber-Leg Beetle. Another great pattern which is easy to see on those bright sunny days. Tied with a red foam post and rubber legs on sizes 14 & 18 barbless hooks. These are an essential fly in your armoury. This selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 18.
Hi-Float Foam Beetle. A beetle designed to float high in the water due to its closed cell foam body. Tied with a red wing case on sizes 14 & 18 barbless hooks. These are an essential fly in your armoury. This selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 18.
Note: Should the "Tree Trout" steal any of your flies, I am happy to sell flies individually to allow you to top up your box. Please contact us with details of your order, and I will email you an invoice. Beetles can be bought for £1.50 per fly.
The above price includes 16 hand-tied beetles supplied in our eco-friendly packaging.
We currently have these fly selections in stock and will ship these to you as soon as we receive notification of your payment, generally if a payment is made in the morning your flies will be with you the very next day.