We've been teasing you with these flies for a couple of weeks now, well here they are ... The Bosnian Early Season Specials - tied to give you the maximum chance on the rivers at the moment - I don't know about you but it's always pretty hard going at this time of year - and the snow doesn't help!
Our man in Bosnian has done the business for us again with this special set of 4 patterns. To keep the price down we are including 2 of each pattern in the selection.
Descriptions and photo's of each fly can be found below:
Stacked Hackle Emerger
We all know that small nymphs which hatch on rivers have to emerge on the surface to transform into their adult form. So we have to imitate them at some point, here's the perfect one .... lots of detail on the body and made with top quality materials.
The body is tied with Cream UTC thread, tails and thorax cover from pheasant tails. For the hackle we used a Metz #1 class rooster cape (brown) and the thorax is mixed hares ear, pine squirrel with a dash of Ice UV dub. We use a curved hook for the emerger pattern as this is the shape of the body when underwater. The hook is a C12 size #14.
Indicator V-Wing Olive
Tied on a Gamakatsu C12 size 14 hook with a hand striped Peacock quill body. Topped off with a 'V' wing from CdC and an added fluoro orange indicator post in between the wings (so it will only be visible to us, not the fish). There is also a small amount of Hare's Ear, Pine Squirrel and Ice UV dubbing added to the thorax.
Double Hackle Caddis
With a body tied using Veevus wine colour thread and ribbed with Veevus White thread, this fly is a generic imitation of most upwinged flies you will see on the river at this time of year. The tails are rooster feather fibres (I love the movement of those). To aid floatation, there is lots of CdC in this fly (specifically Wapsy select CdC feathers). This is then all overwrapped with Hungarian Partridge feathers to imitate some form of legs. The hook is a Gamakatsu F11 size 14.
CdC Caddis
We've all had a chance to catch some caddis flies whilst on the water and seen that they have lots of legs and the shape on every fly is the same. This fly is tied completely from CdC material. The body with Wapsy first-class CdC feather, wrapped all around the hook shank, the wings are also made from the same CdC fibres. When the CdC is wrapped around the hook shank it leaves some fibres sticking out - those are left to imitate legs. All topped off with a small orange 'hot spot' just to provoke the fish!
This is my 'go to' first fly on any river I fish as it is a general representation of most insects you will find.
The above price includes 8 hand-tied flies supplied in our eco-friendly packaging.