Bosnian Late-Season Dry Fly Selection
We asked our man in Bosnian to tie us some patterns that would entice fish in unpredictable late-season conditions (that was all the brief we gave him) and he's done the business again - here they are, these stunning Late-Season Dry flies. Have a read through the descriptions below for the info on which fly to use and when.
On my local small stream, it's been quite hard fishing of late, especially with the recent changeable river levels, it's either really low or up around your waist and the colour of a decent pint of bitter!
Even with the higher (and coloured) water levels, I am still finding that the "go-to" tactic is to go smaller and imitative. Using a longer leader - overall length is around 14ft - allows for a more gentle presentation, especially when combined with a longer lighter rod (my go-to rod for this situation is my new Sage LL 8'9" 3wt - a present to myself for being so good!) employing this method I've caught in mornings, afternoons and evenings, using small emergers, indicator dries and palmered gnats - even in our Theakston's coloured water.
Our Bosnian Late-Season Dry Fly Selection consists of 12 flies, 3 each of 4 separate patterns:
- Morning: Zuti Emerger - Ahrex FW525 Size 18
- Afternoon: Indicator Caddis - Ahrex FW503 Size 18
- Early Evening: Olive Palmer Gnat - Ahrex FW503 Size 18
- Late Evening: Black Palmer Gnat - Ahrex FW503 Size 18
If you would like to access the tying video lessons for all these patterns, they are available over on our sister site - Fly Fish Media - click here.
Full Descriptions for each fly can be found below:
Indicator Olive - So, it's nearing the end of trout season, grayling are starting to rise, they are usually picking up small olives trapped in the surface film. Towards the end of the season, up-winged flies usually start to change colour from a darker olive to a much lighter shade, this Indicator Olive pattern is tied with a golden olive thread, ribbed with lemon micro-floss. When fishing at range with longer leaders we need to be able to spot our flies easily - this pattern is toed with a hot-orange floss between the split CdC wings. These Indicator Olives are tied on an Ahrex FW503 size 18 barbless hooks.
Olive Palmer Gnat - When you need a fly to ride high on the surface - and not easily sink, one of the very best styles is a palmered Gnat - a palmered style fly is tied with a spiky hackle (usually Grizzly Rooster hackle) along the full length of the hook. This Olive Palmered Gnat is tied on an Ahrex FW503 size 18 with a light olive body, Veevus pearly flash tail and a palmered pre-grade Grizzly Rooster hackle. This style of fly is perfect for fast currents and pocket water - short drifts in rougher water. When fished under branches and on faster currents/riffles, keep close contact and impart just a little movement into the fly.
Zuti Emerger - When fishing in the early part of the day you will often see fish just sipping flies from the surface - leaving hardly any trace of a rise. This is the time to deploy the emerger style patterns. Your first choice should be an emerger fly tied on a small strong hook, sometimes the biggest fish leave the smallest trace at the surface. This Zuti Emerger (Zuti is Bosnian for the colour Yellow - every day's a school day) is tied on a size 18 Ahrex FW525. Tied using Veevus Lemon thread for the body, Veevus White thread as a rib and a small red collar. This Bosnian version of the emerger has its CdC wings attached across the hook eye, allowing the fly to sit upright in the water - just like the emerging insect.
Black Palmer Gnat - What can I say about one of the most famous flies on both rivers and stillwaters? Taking its inspiration from the famous Griffith's Gnat - originally conceived by George Griffith, one of the founders of Trout Unlimited in the USA, it's a very buggy dry fly and perfect for late-season trout. This version is tied an a barbless Ahrex FW503 size 18 hook with a Bosnian 'special' dubbing - with added flash. This palmered Black Gnat is tied with a little flashy tail and Grizzly pro-grade Rooster Hackle - the perfect high-floating fly for fishing the evening riffles.
These flies are only available as a selection. Just click on "add to basket", you can then adjust the quantities in your cart.
We are also giving you the option to add one of our super slimline silicone fly boxes to show this selection of Late-Season Dry Flies at their best, for only an additional £6.
Go on, you know you want to!