Bosnian Summer Dry Fly Selection
On my local small stream, it's been quite hard fishing of late, especially with the recent hot weather and low water levels we are seeing in North Yorkshire. Even with the low-levels, I am still finding that when the fish are playing hard to get, the "go-to" tactic is to go small and imitative. Using a longer leader allows for a more gentle presentation, especially when combined with a longer lighter rod (my go-to rod for this situation is the wonderful Maxia MX 9' 2wt) employing this method I've caught in mornings, afternoons and evenings.
Our Bosnian Summer Dry Fly Selection consists of 30 flies, 5 each of 6 separate patterns:
CdC Emerger patterns:
- Red CdC Emerger - Size 18
- Stripped Peacock Herl Emerger - Size 18
- Olive Hot-Spot Emerger - Size 18
- Yellow Hot-Spot Emerger - Size 18
Up-Winged Dry Flies:
- Olive Up-Winged Indicator CdC - Size 14
- Yellow Up-Winged Indicator CdC - Size 14
We are supplying 5 of each of the above patterns, that's 30 flies in total, in one of our Premium Silicone fly boxes.
These flies are only available as a selection. Just click on "add to cart", you can then adjust the quantities in your cart if you would like more than 1.