The Barbless Grayling Selection, is a selection of 4 of the most popular styles of weighted grayling nymphs, in total there are 20 flies supplied in our eco-friendly packaging. All of these nymphs are tied using barbless hooks, in sizes 10, 12, 14 and 16.
Each of the flies in the Barbless Grayling Selection can also be bought individually. please click on the links below to purchase the flies individually (or click the "Add to Cart" button above to buy the selection).
Descriptions, and links to the individual flies which make up this selection can be found below:
Grayling Bomb. One of the best grayling nymphs available. Tied to represent a pink shrimp with a double bead. This fly is best fished using the tight-line nymphing method on the point. Our selection now contains two each of sizes 10, 12, 14 & 16.
Grayling Pink Nymph. Another great nymph for grayling, ideal when fished on the dropper of a tight-line rig (with the grayling bomb). This fly also acts like a spider fly, with the hackle tied in the middle of the hook. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
Grayling Special Nymph. This pattern is a great searching pattern for grayling. It's slim profile allows it to sink through the water column quickly. We have had real success with this fished on its own upstream. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
Copperknob Nymph. Again, another searching pattern. Similar to the popular red-tag pattern, this is tied with a red tail and hare's ear body, weighted with a bead and copper wire. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
Note: Should the "Tree Trout" steal any of your flies, each of the flies in this section can be purchased individually, by using the links above.
The above price includes 18 specialist grayling nymphs supplied in our eco-friendly packaging.