The Barbless Hopper selection. A selection of 16 barbless hoppers, comprising 4 different patterns (in 2 sizes). The hopper fly is tied as a suggestive pattern for a number of different insects, it can imitate a Hawthorn Fly, Heather Fly, Daddy Long Legs/Crane Fly and even an adult buzzer, these are great flies to try when searching stillwaters & reservoirs. The legs on these flies seem to act as a trigger to the fish. These flies are tied on size 10 and 12 barbless hooks with a bushy hackle, this allows them to create a wake on the surface when retrieved, again another trigger point the fish home into.
Hoppers are really effective flies throughout the UK in predominantly stillwaters (but are equally as effective in rivers) and are at their most productive from August to October. Hoppers are generally fished as you would a dry fly, or as a point fly in a team of buzzers. Also, hoppers are surprisingly effective when fished as a wet fly, so don't be too quick to keep these flies dry, once wet and submerged, if on a stillwater, gently "figure of 8" them back (on a river try fishing them as you would a spider), and hold on!
Descriptions of each Hopper:
Bibio. The classic traditional fly, believed to be first developed by Major Charles Roberts. The Bibio is tied with a swept back black hackle, black body, pearl rib and red fur to the eye of the hook. This selection contains 2 each of sizes 10 and 12.
Yellow Peril. This is a bit of a hybrid hopper, a cross between a small mayfly/lake olive and the lighter-bodied daddy long legs.It features a dark yellow body with a black rib, topped with a CdC feather, with the legs kicked back this fly will disturb lots of water when retrieved. This selection contains 2 each of sizes 10 and 12.
Claret Hopper. Tied with a claret swept back hackle, a claret body and pearl rib. With the addition of a target point of a red tag at the end of the body, a great choice when the water is coloured (also great for Grayling on rivers!). This selection contains 2 each of sizes 10 and 12.
CdC Bibio. A small twist on the classic traditional fly. The CdC Bibio is tied with a CdC feather to the top of the body, black body, pearl rib and red fur to the centre of the hook. This selection contains 2 each of sizes 10 and 12.
Note: Should the "Tree Trout" steal any of your flies, I am happy to sell flies individually to allow you to top up your box. Please contact me using this link with details of your order, and I will email you an invoice. These flies can be bought for £1.50 per fly.
The price includes 16 hand-tied barbless hoppers supplied in our eco-friendly packaging.
We currently have these fly selections in stock and will ship these to you as soon as we receive notification of your payment, generally if a payment is made in the morning your flies will be with you the very next day.