The Barbless Killer Bug Selection is a selection of 2 styles of Killer Bugs (Sawyers & Utah), we are supplying 2 different styles of Killer Bugs (2 of each size - 12, 14, 16 & 18). In total there are 16 flies supplied in our fully recyclable packaging.
A deadly bug selection inspired by Frank Sawyers creations. These nymphs were specifically designed to catch grayling (originally as a means to control their numbers on the River Avon in Wiltshire). These flies are great all year round flies and work especially well for those tricky early season Grayling.
Descriptions and images of the flies can be found below (should you want to buy the flies individually, please click on the fly titles):
Sawyers Killer Bug. A deadly bug created and developed by Frank Sawyer specifically to catch grayling (as a means to control their numbers on the River Avon in Wiltshire). The fly was originally named by his friend, Lee Wulff, after him. It’s a general impressionistic dressing that could be taken to imitate a shrimp, larva, pupa or hatching sedge. Selection contains two each of sizes 12, 14, 16 & 18.
Utah Killer Bug. This fly was first developed by the Tenkara Guides in Salt Lake City. It's a variation of the Sawyer's Killer Bug, developed by Frank Sawyer. Frank was the riverkeeper on the Wiltshire Avon, where a part of his duty was to control the population of grayling. This selection contains two each of sizes 12, 14, 16 & 18.
The above price includes 16 hand-tied flies supplied in our eco-friendly packaging.