The Barbless Polish Bloodworm
This extremely popular fly in Eastern Europe is tied using vivid red flexi-floss. These are tied with no added weight, meaning the resemblance to the real thing is uncanny.
These flies are available in either size 12 or 14.
How to fish them:
On Stillwaters - All of these patterns are best fished on a sinking line and shortish leader. Once on the bottom of the lake bed, make a slow (but jerky) retrieve and wait for the take! These flies imitate the bloodworm which is found in the lake beds, when disturbed they move in exactly the same way as the flexi-floss.
On Rivers - These flies are most effective in high water (or after a flood/rise in water) when it's going down and clearing, they usually attract the bigger fish when used in the bigger sizes (8 and 10), the smaller sizes (12 and 14) are really effective on clearer water. Where these patterns really come into their own is in smaller rivers with high soil banks where real worms are washed from banks. Use the bigger sizes as a point fly in deeper holes, the smaller sizes as a general dropper (smaller sizes can imitate a bloodworm).
We currently have these fly selections in stock and will ship these to you as soon as we receive notification of your payment, generally, if a payment is made in the morning your flies will be with you the very next day.