A deadly bug created and developed by Frank Sawyer specifically to catch grayling (as a means to control their numbers on the River Avon in Wiltshire). The fly was originally named by his friend, Lee Wulff, after him. It’s a general impressionistic dressing that could be taken to imitate a shrimp, larva, pupa or hatching sedge.
These flies are tied with a copper wire body, then overwrapped with a Chadwicks 477 imitation yarn.
These flies are only available individually in sizes 12, 14, 16 & 18. Just click on "add to cart" and then adjust the quantity in your cart.
This nymph in a size 12 weighs 0.17g
This nymph in a size 14 weighs 0.06g
This nymph in a size 16 weighs 0.04g
This nymph in a size 18 weighs 0.01g