The Specialist Grayling Selection is a selection of 5 of the most popular patterns of grayling flies (4 nymph patterns and a specialist Grayling Dry Fly), in total there are 20 flies supplied in our eco-friendly packaging. All of these patterns are tied using high-quality barbless hooks, in sizes 14 and 16.
Descriptions of the individual flies which make up this specialist selection can be found below:
Grayling Witch - The most recognisable dry fly for Grayling. A pattern with a long white hackle, peacock hurl body and red Antron tail. The definitive Grayling dry fly. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
Jennings Grayling Pinky - A fly with a gold tungsten bead and a scraggy pink body interspersed with holo fibres, which is especially successful with Grayling. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
Pink Tag Jig - A classic grayling pattern with a gold tungsten bead, dubbed body and pink Antron tail, which is especially successful with Grayling. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
Purple Nasty - A fly with a silver tungsten bead, black segmented body and violet thorax which is especially successful with Grayling. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
Hackled Olive Jig - A fly with a gold tungsten bead, olive dubbed body and long hackle, especially successful with Grayling. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
Note: Should the "Tree Trout" steal any of your flies, each of the flies in this section can be purchased individually, by using the links above.
The above price includes 20 specialist grayling nymphs supplied in our eco-friendly packaging.